If you have not done so already, let your insurance company know that you have a monitored security system. On average, you'll save around 25% off of your premiums. Depending on your policy and your carrier, this can make your monitoring fee close to a wash. Why not let the insurance company pay for your protection? As far as they are concerned a protected home is less risk to them, which is why they offer such discounts. Some insurance carriers will even give you an additional discount if you have fire protection, while others just give one total discount. A call to your agent or insurance company would clarify this. This may also be a good time to shop your insurance carriers. It's something most people don't think about, but can save hundreds of dollars per year. We also recommend having at least one monitored smoke detector integrated into your system. If your insurance company needs a certificate showing that you have a monitored system or you would like to add fire protection to your system, please contact us to schedule an appointment and/or we can forward an alarm certificate to your insurance company or agent.
While everyone likes to talk about how their product or service is better, here is one that is important to us because it actually makes your home or business more secure. All of our systems are installed with your keypad in an accessible location, the metal enclosed control panel or "brains" of the system in another location, and the siren is also separate. Think of this as in a computer setup. The computer tower is the brains where the keyboard that connects to it is the keypad and the speakers are the siren. Although this setup is much more labor intensive to install, we do this to lower the "attack surface". What this means is you have fewer security risks because even if someone disabled or removed the keypad or siren, the alarm would still function and would be able to communicate to us. Many companies, especially the national ones, are now installing "system in a box" alarm systems. The whole system is in one plastic box on your wall. While this greatly reduces labor and equipment costs from a company perspective, your system is much more vulnerable to being disabled. Therefore, we will never compromise your security by installing this type of alarm system.
As many of you know, when you alarm goes off and you are contacted by the monitoring station operators, you need to verify yourself with your secret verbal password. This lets us know that we are actually speaking to who you say you are. In the event of a duress situation, you can purposely give an incorrect password to dispatch the authorities. This would be beneficial in a duress or hostage type situation in which you need help but need to do it covertly.
As the number of mobile users begins to equal and surpass the number of desktop users, mobile website design is a critical element to website development. Therefore, the www.accessinnov.com website now has a mobile optimized version running parallel with the desktop version. It will automatically detect if you are on a mobile device and switch. This speeds the loading, simplifies navigation and also reduces data usage through the mobile carrier.
Welcome to our relaunched website! Although there is much more work to be done and much more improvements coming, we wanted to at least get rid of the old 1990's style flash based site. If you want a chuckle, turn up your speakers and view it here. Going forward, there will be project portfolios, online manuals, and a lot more coming!
AuthorAccess Innovations, Inc is a Hampton Roads based electronic security services company covering all aspects of home and business security and alarm services Archives
April 2017
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